What we do

Big Data Analytics

Meta Analysis

Scale Development & Testing (Psychometrics)

Predictive Analytics

Structural Equation Modeling

Big Data is a term coined in the 1990s to describe the challenges associated with the massive growth in the amount of data that was being collected. Big data challenges include capturing the data, data storage, data categorization, data analysis, search and query, transferring data, data sharing and ulitmately using that data to report useful information to stake holders. Updating data and securing its privacy are additional issues that add to the challenge.

Because of today’s massive data collection on every front, all collected data is of massive quantity. Therefore, the term is now more synonymous with the analytics aspect of the data itself rather than the literal meaning of the term that was originally descriptive of size. It is more focused on how to turn the massive amount of raw data into useful information that can spot trends and patterns then predict actions and forecast behavior.

While Big Data Analytics tends to appeal to larger corporate clients, many of our government clientele are finding great value in analyzing the massive data that is collected in the course of serving the public. It helps in cutting costs and providing better service. Additionally, because of the lowered cost of collecting and storing data, there is an increasing number of small businesses that are utilizing Data Analytics to provide them with a competitive edge.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you use the data you already have to advance your organization or agency’s purpose in serving stake holders.

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